Our Mission
It’s Our Story promotes, preserves, and protects the power, passion, and pride of people with disabilities.
Belief Statement
It’s Our Story champions a fuller knowledge of disability life and culture by exposing visitors to the ways in which people with disabilities interpret, live, critique, and comment upon their diverse experiences.
We believe people with disabilities are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect—and to be free from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and discrimination.
It’s Our Story expands and explores equal rights for people with disabilities by providing a platform for the collective voice of an empowered and engaged community.
Be Inspired
by a legacy of achievements .
Explore an A to Z visual compendium of 2,000 famous people with abilities beyond their diagnosis.
Be Informed
of the “journey to here”.
Discover what 500+ clips crafted by young people have to say about what it takes to make a difference in America.
Be Involved
in making the ADA Diaries accessible.
See what it took to make the ADA possible from thousands of tesitmonies across America.
Be Inspired
with our 1% to ADA 25 Campaign.
New video releases of insights, perspectives and experiances from the IOS archives of 100,000 minutes.
Be Informed
of the Critical Nature of Social Capital.
Read an engaging article about the power of community and life with family and friends.
Be Involved
by Promoting your Pride.
Join our photo-sharing initiative to collect and promote positive imagery of being human with a diagnosis.
Be Inspired
with a community living forward.
Take a peek into a world of video expressions developed by digital story-tellers of diverse backgrounds.
Be Informed
to stay out of the cold alone.
Hundreds of links and resources that promote healthy lifestyles, independent living, and self-determination.
Be Involved
with our Fellowship programming.
Check out how you can acquire professional skills and create portfolios matched to your career ambitions.